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[NIGT FOCUS 1-4호] Strategies for Implementing the Global Methane Pledge in the Agriculture Sector

발간일 : 23-11

조회 : 1309

저자 : 최가영, 문주연, 강문정, 장은경(국립산림과학원), 최세경(World Resource Institute)

1. Summary

2. Introduction

3. Global Methane Pledge

4. Global Policy Landscape for the Methane Reduction in the Agricultural Sector

5. Assessing the Progress and Challenges of Global Methane Reduction Projects in the Agricultural Sector

6. Accelerating Investments for the Methane Emission Reduction in the Agricultural Sector: Korean Case Study

7. Polict Implication to Promote Methane Reduction in the Agricultural Sector

발간물 관련문의



  • 담당자유영재 연구원연락처02-3393-3994