• KOR 검색 전체메뉴열기


  • 2023

    Held the 10th anniversary vision declaration ceremony    05

     NIGT office relocation (Yeouido Post Tower)    05

    창립 10주년 비전 선포식 개최창립 10주년 비전 선포식 개최
  • ceremonythe 4th president of GTC

    12    Changed institutional name to 'National Institute of Green Technology'

    11    Appointed Dr.Lee Sanghyup as the 4th President of Green Technology Center

    07    Supported hosting of CTCN PALO in Incheon Songdo

    01    Designated as 'Climate Change Response Specialized Agency' 

              under the Act on the Promotion of Technology Development for Coping with Climate Change
  • 2021

     Supported carbon neutrality preliminary feasibility plans of the Ministry of Science & ICT    09

     Supported hosting of 2021 P4G Seoul Summit    05

    P4G 정상회의대통령 연설
  • GCF 레디니스 디피GTC-KT MOU 대표사진

       12    Nominated as Delivery Partner of readiness programme by GCF

       11    Developed <TNA Adaptation Taxonomy> with  UN-DTU Partnership

       07    Conducted the first public-private cooperative project certified by P4G in Korea

       05    Developed feasibility analysis model of new R&D projects for climate technology

  • 2019

     Implemented the 1st P4G Public-Private Partnership project    09

     Opened a center of Korea-Indonesia Green Technology Partnership Initiative (GTPI)    08

     Appointed Dr.Byungki Cheong as the third President of Green Technology Center    05

     Firstly approved for a proposal of Project Preparation Facility (PPF) from GCF in Korea    01

    한-인도네시아 녹색기술협력센터(GTPI) 개소녹색기술센터 제3대 소장으로 정병기 박사 임명

  • 국가기후기술정보시스템(CTis) 구축CTCN 이사회 선정 '기후기술협력 공로상' 수상

       12    Awarded 'Achievement Award for Climate Technology Cooperation' from the board of CTCN      

       03  Established Climate Technology Information System (CTis)         

       02  Published the first  <Industrial Statistics on Climate Technology>

  • 2017

     Designated as an Institute for production of National Statistics (Statistics Korea)    09

     Dispatched the 1st Korean expert to CTCN    08

     Published <2017 White Paper on Green Climate Technology>    02

    「녹색기후기술 백서 2017」 발간

  • 녹색기술센터 제2대 소장으로 오인환 박사 임명

       11    Assigned the first technical assistance project from CTCN in Korea
       05    Appointed Dr.Oh Inhwan as the second President of Green Technology Center

  • 2015

     Joined CTCN of UNFCCC    05

     Designated as a dedicated institution for information analysis on National Green Technology R&D    04

  • 2013

       05  Appointed Dr.Sung Changmo as the first President of Green Technology Center
       02  Establishment of Green Technology Center


 Research Management & Budget