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[GTC BRIEF 2020-1-1] Korea's CTCN pro bono contribution: its mechanism and achievements

Publication : 20-08

조회 : 3001

Author : NIGT

[Korea's CTCN pro bono contribution: its mechanism and achievements]

○ Authors

- Wona Lee, Rywon Yang, Inhye Bak, Hyung-ju Kim

○ Highlights

- Korea has assumed an active role in planning and implementing pro bono TA projects, as well as improving both the quality and quantity of  this process.

- The progress and contribution of Korea in the CTCN pro bono support can be attributed to its implementation mechanism, comprehensive  6-step procedures, the establishment of the Korean CTCN pro bono   Committee, and the diversification in the type of pro bono projects.

- This brief describes the key outcomes, challenges, and lessons  learned from Korea’s provision and mobilization of CTCN pro bono

  support. It highlights the critical and catalyzing role the pro bono  support played in enabling the network members to enhance their

  voluntary efforts in the development and transfer of technology, as  well as in offering a direction to further strengthen and enforce the

  Technology Mechanism.


  • Department in chargeCenter for Strategic Planning         