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GTC-ASEIC(ASEM SMEs Eco Innovation Center) MoU Signing Ceremony

Create Date : 2021-07-06 Views : 905

ㅇ Date : JUL 6, 2021
ㅇ Location : GTC
ㅇ Attendees :  (ASEIC) Im Byung Hoon the Chairman of the board of directors and ASEIC Personnel

                        (INNOBIZ) Kim Hong Seok Director
                        (GTC) Cheong Byung Ki President and GTC Personnel

ㅇPurpose : MoU signing between GTC and ASEIC for supporting SMEs in the field of green and climate technology in Korea to enter Asia-Europe and 

                    leading green and climate technology cooperation projects for partner countries


Center for

 Strategic Planning