Publication : 23-11
조회 : 1047
Author : NIGT
[Insight for Distributed Energy Technology: Focused on Korea and UK Cooperation]
○ Authors
Misook Park, Alastair Marke, John Song, Jaeryoung Song
○ Contents
I. Global Trend of Distributed Energy Technology
1. The New Era of Global Energy Transition
2. Integration of Distributed Ledger Technologies and Renewable Energy
II. Domestic Efforts for the Introduction of Distributed Energy
1. South Korea’s Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Initiatives
III. Insight from the FGI: South Korea-UK Distributed Renewable Energy Technical Cooperation
1. StrategiestoOvercometheLimit ofAcceptingDistributedRenewableEnergy(Baek, 2023)
2.A New Driver to Feed into the Ongoing South Korea-UK Strategic Dialogues
IV. Summary and Implications